

My personal blog with recipes, tips and useful information.
June 2, 2021
Who is doing all of this and why?
My name is Irina, I moved to Poland 7 years ago because I fell in love with the best man in this big world ❤️ We have a wonderful daughter.

Since I was at school I have been preparing for the office work. I know 2 foreign languages and I graduated marketing. I worked as a project manager in an international company, but having an artistic soul I desire to create, well there's nothing I can do about it ;)

I love learning. I completed online (all of them) confectionery courses, I started when my daughter was 4 months old. Floristics, pastry, photography, Photoshop, Lightroom, Open Photography Study of the Cracow University of Technology. Life is movement, learning and beauty. I'm a fan of perfection and details , but I strive for a balanced life approach.

I love cooking. Basically everything, but I not sponge cakes, that's why they are not in my offer.

Nice to meet you! :)

My blog

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